The Mindset Of High Achievers - Powerful Motivational For Success

You shouldn’t put your money in your house, you should put money in your brand.

The Mindset Of High Achievers

You should put money into marketing. You should promote yourself not put money in where you and your kids live Right Why is that a mistake?

Because it’s debt money I mean a house can’t make you money A house does not make you money The only reason people think a house make some money is comparing it if I rent that cost me money but you know If you need to go to the hospital you don’t buy the hospital you rent a bed to get out of there as fast as you can If you go a trip, you go to America you want to go to Disneyland you don’t buy the hotel you rent a room and nobody thinks bad poorly of that they are like yeah I'm gonna go there and use the place and get out That’s what you should be doing with your living.

Find a place where you can rent Rent, rent, pay rent monthly Don’t own the house and take all the money that you have put in that house purchase down payment extra money fixing it up to use all that money to improve your business and yourself so that you can get more money

Right So I see so many people here like I'm gonna invest $300 000 in a house to hopefully make $30 000 I'm gonna make a buyer for $300 or maybe I’ll sell It for $600 000 I’ll double my money fixed in one place by the way where no money comes to you Money doesn’t go to homes

Right That's a big thing in your career is moving location Yeah I move 5 or 6 times I can move another 4 or 5 times because people who stay in the same place get too comfortable If you study wealthy people they are mercurial. They are moving they are mobile They are not talking about Warren Buffet Bill Gates do not talk about the home they live in

They talk about the place they are going to They go meet money They go meet wealth They go meet connections People are stunningly accepting

of anything, if they believe if that is the purest form of it I think I had been less acceptable if I hedged I do People will accept you People will accept everything Just be you and people like to react when you trying to fake something and you’ve got bad intent Well then that’s viscera and we hate But I think we don’t give love to the person who knows they have it and they try to fake it to conform hence why I won’t adjust to this market all the way because I don’t think I will be respected I know what my intent is So why I would be scared I want to build the biggest building

in town that's who I am And you know how I want to do that? By building the biggest building in town And a lot of people want to build

the build biggest building in town and you know how they want to do it?

By tearing everybody else’s building down. Poverty is passed on It's taught in your families middle classes taught in families and so the people right now who were sitting at home who are struggling financially

or worried about money or unhappy they may be making a lot of money

but unhappy with what they are doing It was probably taught to you

You know your superego was taught get a job work hard or you’ll never be rich or the rich are evil or whatever Until you change your mindset

money won’t help you write?

Correct We see that with people that win the lottery people that make more money still have the same problem

because they have poor man’s soul.

Correct If you are poor you’ll always be poor That’s hard for people to understand The money will disappear that fast just like most pro athletes

they make millions of dollars and 65% are bankrupt 5 years later

It’s because they come from poor family Now you tell them that

they got very angry at you not it’s a rich fault you know as "you guys ripped me off" "and government ripped me off" But unfortunately what

Mr. Lipton was saying it’s passed down genetically That’s the frightening thing And it’s interesting when you commit to something little gifts

just start automatically showing up Its phenomenal thing It’s happened my whole career When I am fully committed somebody will bring me something and then look then keep your eyes open and by the way

the package may come wrapped in a package you weren’t thinking about

hard worker like a voice Like a person or you know maybe from a different direction than you thought or an offering where you like you to read something about this and that’s not the thing Like all through my career

it’s come in weird kind of ways If you ask for help and somebody shows up at the door maybe let invite them in regardless of what the packaging is or what you’ve heard about it or whatever That’s been beneficial to. 

How old are you?


I think I’m 40

Do you know how young we feel?

When you were 26

did you ever think

that this is what 44 felt like?


You thought that was finished.

How old are you?

When I was 25 years old

I thought 40 years old was finished

I don’t even feel

like I’m starting


Yeah. But when I was 26 I was in a rush.

I understand.

All of those guys

and girls in the streets

last night

When you say that to them

like their face kind of goes blank

because all the stuff they watch

MTV musically does this.

It’s all about the bling now

and of this now and this now

Now you know and MTVs tame

You start following people on Instagram

and it’s a disaster

They are all pushing

like you know it’s all about champagne

and private planes

and you can get it too

and just sign up for my court like

and everybody’s falling for it

so I’m coming out

and first of all, I want to be historically correct

Nobody in 100 years is gonna watch that post

and say that I was full of crap

I like that right

No 2 I want my legend to grow

I'm always fascinated

by politicians and world figures

Like Winston Churchill

His brain continues to grow


I want that

When I'm dead

I wanna be on the ground

at peace knowing my legend growings

Like I want that

I want that in this business world

And so I'm giving real advice

And real advice looks like this

When you 19

And you can spend 7 full years

Learning your crafts

Meeting people that are mentors

Being patient

And you wakeup

And you're 26 years old

You have your entire life in front of you

And you have done great foundational work

To go on and then be successful

You know I have bad luck too

I've had a financial crush

And so I've people stab me on the back

But they're all good

Because I grow from it

That's spirituality

You know people who are afraid

of making mistakes

Like they teach in school

They don't ever grow

Because spirituality

as it's good

and there's bad

There's right and there's wrong

There's up and there's down

Most people always want to be right

I want to be positive

But you can't have that

That's not reality

And the average person

the reason they're poor

is haven't failed

You know they play

a sort of safe

They haven't make

any mistakes

Like they taught in school

That mean's they're not learn anything

That's why the school system

fundamental corrupt

Its entire education


Don't make mistakes

And don't ask for help


If I didn't ask for help

I've my accountants

my attorneys my bankers

and all of that

You know I go into business

Like a rugby team

You know

Boom Boom

We kick butts

But the average guy

Is standing there

"Oh I'm A student

I'm going to this all of myself

And a bunch of rugby players

Run you over

You go

"Well they're not playing fair"

Yeah what you're not playing stupid

You should have a team

You should have accountants

attorneys bankers and all of that stuff

"But that's not the game I want to play"

It is then don't play the game

You know the game of business

is played with accountants

attorneys bankers

Hate to say it Politicians

You know you gotta know the game

Like I don't want to hustle

I want to prosper

I don't want to grind

I want to create a machine

that monetizes

You know

I'm not shameful of money

I want money

I want a lot of money

I want to give money away

I want to raise a lot of money

You can't do that if you're broke

Subtitles by the community
