What's Your Dream? - Powerful Study Motivation

What's Your Dream? It's never too late - never too late to start over, never too late to focus on your dreams.

Powerful Study Motivation

Deep breath in and ask yourself what's my dream? We have a dream that one day this nation will live out the true meaning of its streets. We play that song to you because that speech would play and We would get out of that room and get up out of that room and I'd run out the door every single time something about dr king's voice would make me so uncomfortable and We didn't it didn't make sense.

We kept getting up and running out every single time nine times when this instructor played this message We would run and finally another the instructor found out saw me running out he saw this consistency he ran out behind me and he said what are you running out for and We kept searching and searching and searching. We couldn't figure out why and then it came to me We said We don't know if I'm willing to pay the full price for my dream the way Dr King was willing and We can't shake the dream though.

Anybody know about that We can't shake the dream but I'm scared of the dream anybody with me wants him one hand up two hands up yes  We can't shake the dream but We don't have the details for the dream We don't quite know how to make the dream happen and it's quite lonely on the journey to get to the dream so the cost of the dream seems high but the dream won't go away and every time he plays that background message.

I'm shaking again about the dream because Dr king showed me to have a dream is powerful and do anything for it and it's going to cost you something it's going to cost you more time than you thought you'd have it's going to cost you way more money than you thought you would invest it's going to cost you some friends who couldn't make the entire journey with you it's gonna cost you that that sense of oh my god We gotta leave, We gotta die to the old me to allow the new me to be born to my future it's gonna cost you something this is the year for a reset this is the year for the restart this is the year for reignite.

This is the year to repeat the things that you love this is the year for recommitting this is the year for a redesign this is the year for re-engaged this is the year for the restart this is that year yes yes yes perfect

no one has your unique unrepeatable fingerprint no one can do it like you and if you sit down and you set down on all of us We are not here to let you off the hook because we need a lot more people like us doing this work We don't look at the world and get frustrated We look at the world and get busy.

We don't get frustrated with what's going on. We just tone up, we got everything we need and you and me. We stopped by to touch your heart, crack your heart, challenge your heart, open up your heart. We stopped by

We stopped by to ask you are willing to walk by yourself if no one will walk no one else will walk with you are you willing to do that are you willing to change the way you show up change the way you strut are you willing to say well We can't walk forward maybe We got to do it

sideways for a minute maybe We got to do a backward woman are you willing to be radical for yourself yes yes people want to make me extraordinary.

I'm not extraordinary. I'm an ordinary woman who chooses to make extraordinary decisions every day. Now what that means is if we all woke up ordinary. We all went off to the same start and how you gonna end your day and what you gonna do today so We just stopped by We stopped by to remind you that you woke up with everything and said everything with everything you need to do with everyone.

Who needs to have it done with We just stopped by to ask you so if you knew all that what would you do how would you play as if you couldn't

fail how would you love as if you've never? been betrayed how would you invest in yourself as if you've never lost any money if you want to get something different you have to do something different even if it's just one extra yes because this is about discovering more of you who you've always been and who you're becoming this journey is not about the person sitting beside you behind you or impressing anyone.

This journey is about working to blow your mind see We We stopped by to poke you to the pride you to make it mildly to moderately to significantly uncomfortable for you to sit in any form of mediocracy for you to make sure you don't look at 2020 when you get to 2022 and say damn there was more of me to give back there and We didn't make sure you're not keeping score keep track but don't keep score.

We stopped by to ask you are you willing to do what you've never done? done before say what you've never said before so you can be the man the woman you've always known yourself to be are you willing to tell any part of you that doesn't serve your future any part of you know the procrastination and the and the worry and the doubt in the am I

good enough anybody knows what  I'm talking about yes yes and who can We be over there if I've been this person over here if you're willing to stop and look at all of it and say I appreciate you you got me to this point

but for me to go forth, I'm gonna have to leave you here ask you are you ready are you willing because most people sign up for the goal and this is my new awareness they sign up for the goal and you focus on the goal and you get committed to the goal and then you gotta go through.

Something to get to the goal and then you set the goal down I'm gonna invite you don't sign up for the goal sign up for the inconvenience it's gonna cost you sign up for that sign up We sign up every day to the inconvenience the goal looks sexy the inconvenience looks costly but if you sign up for the inconvenience then the goal will take care of itself

Every day, say yes to whatever it takes no matter what, repeat after me, stretch me, challenge me to make me own my greatness. Don't let me off the hook hold me accountable to the change I'm to make to the inspiration, I'm to bring to the motivation that I am holding me accountable We want to be held accountable.

I'm not afraid of my greatness, I'm not afraid of my imperfections. We are genius, ever-evolving. We are breakthrough ever happening We are enough you.
